Sunday, June 5, 2011

I really wanna make it, please take me @ Global Governance Institute & Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig!

I found this on a Facebook group filled with senile global labor union members and genitalia of Germany. Before the tight-assed Germans get to delete it, I copy-pasted it not only to show off my copy pasting skills to job agencies but also to make a plea. I do not wanna be crushed under the German bum. I'd copy-paste this on all my future job applications just to get away from it all! They'd refer to me as an American layabout unless I inform potential employers where I am coming from. This is to say, 'It's not my fault, really, it ain't; it is they who did it!' Hence, this shall be copy-pasted on my job applications. This is my bargaining power.

Charles: A friend showed me a very strange thing, though I'm not surprised. This is labor class alright. I was shown several police reports against Nazi Taliban Christoph Scherrer of Global Labour University. These reports refer to the German labor union leader (professor?) as a rape attempter, robber and terrorist. So you're dealing with Taliban style labor class fanatics at University of Kassel, Germany. Pity pity poor German Huns. Oh they're so poor they must rob people etc.!

Michelle: Hi Charles, thanks for sharing this information. I'm sure nobody likes German labor camps. However, I am not sure if this global labor union group would allow you to speak against Nazis, let alone Taliban. Germans are very secretive. It's a Freemason society, right? Then again, let's see how much these labor rights folks care for human rights. I also observed that this complaint has been around for many years now. Germans aren't listening, as usual. Anyway, if this labor union facebook group tries to hide the information you imparted, tell your friends to keep posting here anyway until somebody hears and kicks out Christoph Scherrer from Global Labour University. For all he's worth, he should beg on the streets rather than rob people. I also read he's the grandson of a 'brown priest,' like Osama bin Laden I suppose. Fanatics!